
Stories are good. People like stories. Let’s tell our stories together. You opened up your store with a focus on quality and supporting the local community. We opened up our business with a focus on quality and supporting you.

Our story is pretty simple, 3 guys that were banished to misfit island by the industry got lucky when stores like you recovered us and gave us another life. (Very similar to Santa in the classic Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer). Kevin looks a little bit like Burl Ives if you catch him in the right light.

From day one our focus has been to go to work for you finding the best ingredients at the best cost and mixing and getting them to you with the best service we can. That’s it.

We have been approached by big boxes and discounters that promised huge volume and said they were committed to making our lives miserable so we took a pass.

Our current customers tell their community the story of having their bird seed packed by a Small Amish Farm in Holmes County Ohio and bringing seed in on a weekly basis. Amish Farm to Backyard Feeder. Tell us your story and let’s localize your bird seed program bag by bag with your House Blend.